As every year at this time the volume of workers in our company increases significantly, that is why we are constantly thinking about how to improve the human quality of our company’s engine.

Based on statistics “Deaths due to cardiac arrest exceed 30 times the number of deaths due to traffic accidents that not only occur to people who are doing sports or on the street as we might think from the news we see in the media, but also in work environments . In fact, most of the cardiac arrests, 80%, occur at home and in work centers “Explains Nuño Azcona, General Director of B + Safe. That is why we have decided to install a defibrillator in our company.

These devices increase between 70 and 90% the chances of survival in the event of a cardiac arrest if it is applied in the first minutes, in addition, they help the victim not suffer serious consequences after stopping.

It is a measure of prevention and safety, very easy to use and that can be used by non-health personnel, after basic training.

Saving a person’s life is a matter of minutes, but for this, you need some basic knowledge of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and a Semi-Automatic defibrillator (DESA) nearby, so during this week, coinciding with the installation of the defibrillator, we have conducted in our facilities a course of first aid and use and management of CPR for our workers.

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